Can I take alternative courses to the ones listed as required for completing the Faculty’s undergraduate degree program?
Alternative courses may be taken, with the authorization and permission of the Faculty’s undergraduate secretariat.
Can I take a course at a different point in time rather than as set in the recommended schedule?
You can take the course earlier if a prerequisite course is not required for it. Postponing a course may delay your taking another course. In addition, it is not advisable to do this since the class schedule follows the recommended curriculum.
The curriculum changed during my studies; which program am I required to follow?
You can take courses in line with either of the programs published during your studies.
Can I improve a course grade during my studies and until when may I do so?
Improving a course grade is possible during the two semesters following the period you first took the course.
How does registering for a course for a second time, without having completed the course requirements, affect my grade?
It does not affect your grade. The grade for the course is the earlier grade.
When am I eligible for a special exam period?
Eligibility for special exam period or a substitute for an exam is only permitted for students who had reserve duty during or just before the regularly scheduled exam period. As a rule, for faculty courses it is possible to request a special exam at the faculty secretaries the request will be considered by the Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies.
Does failure in a prerequisite course or its alternative mean that I can’t register for the course for which I needed the prerequisite?
Technically, you can register for the course but studying and getting a grade for it requires the authorization of the lecturer in charge of the course.
When can I take a Faculty elective course? And when can I take free elective courses?
You can take faculty elective courses after completing the required prerequisite courses. You can take free elective courses beginning from your first semester, once you’ve completed the prerequisite. In any event, we suggest that you integrate them into your recommended class schedule in the available slots.
What is the difference between a prerequisite course and an adjacent course?
An adjacent course must be taken in parallel to the course under discussion, whereas you must complete the prerequisite course prior to taking the course.
What is a “not in good standing” academic status and what are its implications?
As a rule, a “not in good standing” academic status is a situation in which the student does not meet all the academic requirements laid out by the Technion’s Undergraduate Studies Department. In such cases, the student is given guidance in the Faculty, and is sometimes called to appear before a committee to discuss his or her status.
Are undergraduate students hired as research assistants in the Faculty while they are studying?
Yes. Senior faculty members offer a number of jobs to undergraduate students.
Are there Faculty prizes for outstanding students and/or for other reasons (socioeconomic)?
Yes. There are a number of types of prizes that are awarded once a year by the Faculty Prize Committee.