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What is the difference between biotechnology and food engineering and biology?

Our syllabus includes 90% of compulsory biology courses, so in terms of biology education, there is not a big difference. The difference is that biology deals with the basic questions pertaining to the behavior of diverse living systems. In the area of biotechnology, greater emphasis is placed on the applied technology of biological systems. For example, if a biologist researches the activity or the relationship of a particular enzyme or protein, the biotechnologist will think about what could be produced using this enzyme. Biotechnology and food engineering is a four-year engineering degree program upon the completion of which the graduate has diverse employment opportunities.

What is the difference between biotechnology and food engineering and biochemical engineering (chemical engineering)?

These are two engineering faculties that combine engineering studies and biology studies. In biochemical engineering, the emphasis is on engineering and dealing with chemical materials more than biology. In biotechnology and food engineering, the focus is on organic materials and most of the courses are given by the faculty and adapted to our comprehensive syllabus. Our faculty members engage in research in the field of biotechnology and in the field of food engineering, while in biochemical engineering, most faculty members engage in chemical engineering, and the Faculty of Biology provides the completion of the biological fields. Also, the aspects and examples given in our engineering courses refer to food and organic materials and less to chemicals. For example, in the lab, we test the viscosity of salad dressings or sugar solutions, not nitric acid. Of course, the engineering principles are the same.

What is the difference between biotechnology and food engineering and biomedical engineering?

The emphasis in the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering is on the development of medical diagnosis and treatment methods. For example, there they are involved in the design of devices to monitor the rate of blood flow in the arteries in a non-invasive way. There are also certain areas of overlap such as tissue engineering which are researched in both faculties.