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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

As a student at the Technion, you will be given unusual opportunities to do research and undertake scholarship that will advance knowledge in your fields of study. You will also face many challenges.

During your academic life at Technion, you will be required to complete assignments based on oral communication and writing, some of which will require research in libraries and laboratories and access electronic resources

Technion anticipates that you will pursue your studies with purpose and integrity. The cornerstone of scholarship in all academic disciplines is honesty. Technion expects that you will approach everything you do here honestly – whether solving a math problem, writing a research or critical paper, or writing an exam.

This handbook (PDF file) outlines important information you will need to know about correctly acknowledging your sources when you write a report, research paper, critical essay, or position paper. It provides guidelines for collaboration on assignments and writing code. The handbook also provides information about what constitutes violations of academic integrity and the consequences of committing such violations. Please familiarize yourself with this material before you begin work in your classes, and use it as a resource when you have questions — at Technion and beyond.

There is no second chance for a first impression
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