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Awards & Scholarships

Awards & Scholarships

The faculty awards committee meets once a year, to select the best candidates, who meet the terms determined from time to time.

The prizes are awarded at a faculty ceremony in the presence of the donors and the families of the winners


The Carasso Annual Scholarship for excellence in research and teaching

Dedicated to drive innovation in research and education, both locally and globally,

and to bridge the fields of FoodTech and BioTech along with health and sustainability.

The Carasso scholarship was established through the generous donation of the Carasso family in order to achieve these goals.


Eligibility Criteria:
Awarded based on excellence to graduate-level students (Master’s or Doctoral) conducting research at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in research and/or teaching.

  • Excellence in Research  – Candidates must have attained groundbreaking achievements in their research field, such as publications in peer-reviewed journals or patents.
  • Excellence in Teaching  – Candidates must have received high evaluation scores from students in the course in which they serve as teaching assistants, as well as a strong endorsement from the course instructor.


First Place: For Excellence in Teaching

PhD. Student Inbal Rush from the lab of Prof. Fishman Ayelet .

Course: Lab in Food analysis


Second Place: For Excellence in Teaching

PhD. Student Nofar Yehuda from the lab of Prof. Yaron Sima.

Course: Lab in Microbiology


Third Place: For Excellence in Research

PhD. Student Hani Shkolnikov from the lab of Associate Prof. Shpigelman Avi

Topic: The Influence of Processing Methods on the Stability and
Properties of Arthrospira Platensis (Spirulina)


First Place: For Excellence in Research and Teaching

PhD. Student Gil Refael From the Lab of Prof. Lesmes Ori

Topic: Elucidating the impact of edible insects on the human colon
microbiota composition and metabolism

Course: Lab in Food analysis


Second Place: For Excellence in Research

PhD. Student Valeria Weiss from the lab of Associate Prof. Shpigelman Avi

Topic: The effect of ternary anthocyanin-iron ion-pectin
interactions on spectral properties and stability


Third Place: For Excellence in Teaching

PhD. Student Shenhav Abitbul From the Lab of Prof. Kashi Yechezkel

Topic: Improving bioethanol production using co-fermentation of
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and modified
glucoamylase-carrying Bacillus sp.

Course: Food Microbiology


Along with the scholarship these winners will receive a prize.

For first place, three extra portions to their current scholarship (one portion per month for three months.)

For Second place, two extra portions to their current scholarship (one portion per month for two months.)

For Third place, one extra portions to their current scholarship (one portion per month for one month.)


Congratulations to the winners and their advisors.


Cogan Scholarship

The scholarship was founded by Prof. Emeritus Uri Kogan, to encourage graduate students to participate in conferences abroad.




Litan Award

The Lubricants Industry with Litan family has established a fund to immortalize the late Prof. Aryeh Litan, for his great contribution to the Israeli oil industry.

The award is given each year to 2-3 graduate students who have achieved impressive achievements during their studies.

We are happy to announce this year’s Carasso scholarship winners.



We are very proud of you.

In addition, from time to time, external scholarships and prizes are offered (according to changing requirements). For more information, you should contact the graduate studies coordinator.

There is no second chance for a first impression
We will be happy to update you ahead of the upcoming open day for a bachelor’s degree
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